It's hard to believe that Diablo 2 is getting a new lease on life more than two decades after its first release, yet here we are, thanks to Diablo 2: Resurrected.
There has never been a better time to be a Diablo 2 player than right now, with all the new improvements to the game's quality of life. Furthermore, the most recent patch for Diablo 2: Resurrected introduces Terror Zones, a new end-game activity that should make obtaining high-quality loot and leveling up faster than before. You may be wondering, though, how Terror Zones are enabled and utilized. Perhaps we can be of assistance.
Diablo 2: Resurrected's Terror Zones won't be accessible until the main campaign has been completed with an online expansion character on any difficulty. Which implies we have to kill Baal. If you've already done this with one of your eligible characters, they'll be able to access the Terror Zone right away. The unlocking of Terror Zones, however, varies depending on the character and the level of difficulty. If you beat the game on Normal using a sorceress you made, she will be the only one who can enter the Terror Zones on that difficulty level to get Diablo 2 items cheap.
Once Terror Zones have been unlocked for a character, they will be available whenever a new game is created with that character on a difficulty level that has already been beaten. Upon arrival in town, you can check the Chat Box to find out which part of town is now being Terrorized. Keep a watch on the chat box for updates on the current Terrorized area, which changes every hour. The closest waypoint to a Terrorized zone will be highlighted in purple text, and there will be a new icon displayed next to it thanks to the improved waypoint system.
In a Terror Zone, the area's name will be shown with the word "Terrorized" underneath it. In that area, you may expect to face foes at least two levels stronger than you are, and possibly as many as five levels stronger against Champions and five levels stronger against Uniques. These zones, however, have level caps for each difficulty. The maximum level for regular foes on Normal is 45, for champions it's 47, and for uniques it's 48. They are level 71, 73, and 74 on Nightmare. Hell's 96, 98, and 99 are the highest points in respective ranges.
There are a number of visual and auditory cues that let you know you've entered an active Terror Zone, such as icons next to scared creature names and changes to the lighting. They all come together to make Terror Zones feel unique.
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